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I am a visual artist working in Dorset UK.

I loved drawing from a young age. After leaving school I enrolled on the art foundation course at South Nottinghamshire College. This was a life changing time where I first felt "at home" the staff were incredibly inspiring and supportive and I will always be grateful to them. I then studied Fine Art at Falmouth school of Art, graduating with BA (Hons) in 1993. Ray Atkins was a part time tutor at Falmouth, his work and methods were inspiring. He was a supportive, encouraging and insightful tutor whom I greatly respect, He is still painting in southern France and his work I highly recommend you seek out. I specialised in painting and worked directly from the figure and landscape whilst at Falmouth and the following years from a studio in the lacemarket area of Nottingham, I made figure compositions.

From around 1997 I became interested in working with wood and reclaimed materials to make furniture. Painting and exhibiting ran alongside the woodwork for several years as well as part time drawing teaching. Gradually woodwork became more and more my main creative outlet and income until a back injury and subsequent surgery in 2013 prompted many life changes.

Having returned to painting, my art practice is also changing. I am much more interested in representing an internal world of diverse thoughts, ideas, experience and feelings. I am interested in the language of marks and how to make all these different elements form a cohesive, and expressive whole. Although important in how I have developed many aspects of image making; Letting go of the more figurative/obsevational elements has allowed me to work with greater freedom. I try to be guided by the painting and my emotional responses to it, going with the ups and downs that this process inevitably involves,

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